Our History

Mogara Mining Pumps and Solar Supplies originated out of 3 different individual and business entities, namely Bryan Mabilo, Kallie Thomas and Agri Solar.

Agri Solar was founded in 2008 and has developed into a market leader in the solar industry in the Northern Cape.

Kallie Thomas has worked for an existing vendor at Anglo American since 1997 and has extensive knowledge on products
supplies to the mines in the Northern Cape area.

Bryan Mabilo is the BEE Partner of the company and has worked for years in the procurement environment.

Bryan made contact with Kallie regarding a business opportunity. At that stage Kallie was looking for a suitable partner to start his own business as a supplier and service provider to the mining industry. The two of them put heads together and they then made contact with Agri Solar to be an investor and a partner from the renewable energy side taking in consideration that this business sector will only expand, especially in the Northern Cape Province.

Mogara MPS was born.

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